Booking · Structure RS
Response Body - Booking
Booking Response | |||
success |
| Bool |
token |
| String | so63458244ca1fb |
version |
| Integer | 2 |
_doc_version |
| Integer | 1 |
booking |
| Object |
booking/id | Booking ID: necessary for post-booking actions | String | b9ac001b-bbe |
booking/created | Booking created date | String | 2022-10-11T16:50:45 |
booking/modified | Booking last modified date |
| 2022-10-11T16:50:45 |
booking/timezone | Time zone | String | Europe/Madrid |
booking/lines | Array of different booking lines | Array[Object] |
lines/id | BookingLine ID | String | 8d0439a6-9f9 |
lines/created | BookingLine created date | Date-time | 2022-10-11T16:50:45 |
lines/timezone | Time zone | String | Europe/Madrid |
lines/modified | BookingLine last modified date | Date-time | 2022-10-11T16:50:45 |
lines/cancelled | BookingLine cancellation date | Date-time | 2022-10-11T16:50:45 |
lines/booking_reference |
| Object |
booking_reference/locator | External provider booking line identifier | String | M7LN1 |
booking_reference/third_locator | Company booking locator | String | ABCDEF |
booking_reference/status | Booking line status | String | RSVD|CNFD|VOID|CNLD|RFND|ONRQ|MANL|PAYG |
booking_reference/external_view | Link externo con la información de reserva | String | |
booking_reference/source_i_d | Source ID | String | IBc7efa4fdb2a74b6da60ef895b99857a9OC |
lines/holder |
| Object |
holder/name | Traveller Name | String | Miguel |
holder/surnames | Traveller surnames | Array[String] | Perezuno |
holder/contact |
| Object |
contact/type | Contact data type, Passenger or Emergency | String | Passenger |
contact/name | Contact name (Emergency) | String | Miguel |
contact/surnames | Contact surname (Emergency) | String | Perezuno |
contact/mails | List of contact mails | Array[String] | |
contact/phones | List of contact phones | Array[Object] |
phones/country_pref | Country prefix | String | 34 |
phones/number | Phone number without prefix | String | 666666666 |
holder/in_booking | We will use it to check if a passenger is still in a reservation or not | Bool |
holder/index | Passenger index in the reservation request. It allows us to assign the corporate data to each passenger | Integer | 0 |
lines/travellers | List of travellers of the booking | Array[Object] |
travellers/code | Traveller id | String | 704692 |
travellers/source_i_d | Traveler id in provider system | String | T1 |
travellers/type | Traveller type [ADT, CHD, INF, YCD, YTH] | String | ADT |
travellers/gender | Traveller genter [ Male, Female ] | Enum |
travellers/title | Traveller title [ Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss ] | Enum |
travellers/name | Traveller Name | String | Juan |
travellers/surnames | Traveller surnames | Array[String] | Lleego Adulto |
travellers/birth_date | Birth date | Date | 2015-12-12 |
travellers/age | Age | Integer | 6 |
travellers/contact |
| Object |
contact/type | Contact data type, Passenger or Emergency | String | Passenger |
contact/name | Contact name (Emergency) | String | Miguel |
contact/surnames | Contact surname (Emergency) | String | Perezuno |
contact/mails | List of contact mails | Array[String] | |
contact/phones | List of contact phones | Array[Object] |
phones/country_pref | Country prefix | String | 34 |
phones/number | Phone number without prefix | String | 666666666 |
travellers/documents |
| Array[Object] |
documents/type | Document Type | Enum |
documents/number | Document Number | String | GPT002314R |
documents/nationality | Document nationality | String | ES |
documents/issue_date | Document issue date | Date-time | 2021-11-11 |
documents/expiry_date | Document expiration date | Date-time | 2125-11-11 |
documents/country | Document emission country | String | ES |
travellers/responsibles |
| Array[Object] |
responsibles/location | Location | String | AGP |
responsibles/name | Name | String | Jose |
responsibles/address | Address | String | c/ de la alegria |
responsibles/phone | Phone | String | 722345678 |
responsibles/origin_destination_ref | Origin destination reference | Integer | 0 |
travellers/in_booking | We will use it to check if a passenger is still in a reservation or not | Bool |
travellers/index | Passenger index in the reservation request. It allows us to assign the corporate data to each passenger | Integer | 0 |
lines/travel |
| Object |
travel/id | Internal product identifier | String | Jo6347c4d747d260000 |
travel/source_i_d | Product identifier on the external connector | String | UDgxRTAwRTMyLUY0RDgtNDAzQS1BOTM5IyQlUG9QODFFMDBFMzItRjREOC00MDNBLUE5MzktMQ== |
travel/services_groups |
| Array[Object] |
services_groups/id | ID | String |
services_groups/source_i_d | Source ID | String | O1 |
services_groups/services |
| Array[Object] |
services/id | ID | String | SN373820221115@SN210320221115 |
services/source_i_d | Source ID | String | F1 |
services/segments |
| Array[Object] |
segments/aircraft_lease (only for Iberia CC) | Aircraft Lease (ACMI) | String|Vacío | “HIFLY FOR IBERIA” (example) |
segments/source_i_d | Source ID | String | S2 |
segments/extensions |
| Object |
extensions/PriceClassCode | Price class code | String | LGT00 |
extensions/PriceClassName | Price class name | String | Economy Light |
extensions/serviceID | Service ID | String | SRV1-T1-S2 |
segments/origin |
| Object |
origin/id | Origin ID | String | 52e6e452099c |
origin/short_name | Short name | String | MALAGA |
origin/long_name | Long Name | String | MALAGA |
origin/type | Type | String | Airport |
origin/iata | IATA Code | String | AGP |
origin/latitude | Latitude | Double | 36.6736111111 |
origin/longitude | Longitude | Double | -4.49888888889 |
origin/time_zone | Time zone | String | Europe/Madrid |
origin/country | Country code | String | ES |
origin/country_name | Country name | String | ESPA\u00d1A |
origin/city_name | City name | String | MALAGA |
origin/iata_city | IATA City | String | AGP |
origin/localizacion | Localizacion | String | ESP |
segments/destination |
destination/id | ID | String | 52e6e451c3f1 |
destination/short_name | Short name | String | BRUSELAS |
destination/long_name | Long name | String | BRUSELAS |
destination/type | Type | String | Airport |
destination/iata | IATA Code | String | BRU |
destination/latitude | Latitude | Double | 50.9022222222 |
destination/longitude | Longitude | Double | 4.49861111111 |
destination/time_zone | Time zone | String | Europe/Brussels |
destination/country | Country code | String | BE |
destination/country_name | Country name | String | BELGICA |
destination/city_name | City name | String | BRUSELAS |
destination/iata_city | IATA City | String | BRU |
destination/localizacion | Localizacion | String | EUR |
segments/departure_date_time | Departure date time | Date time | 2022-11-15T15:30:00 |
segments/arrival_date_time | Arrival date time | Date time | 2022-11-15T18:20:00 |
segments/origin_terminal | Origin terminal | String | 1 |
segments/destinations_terminal | Destination terminal | String | S |
segments/transport_type | Transport type | String |
segments/duration | Duration | Integer | 10200 |
segments/company |
| Object |
company/id | Company ID | String | 5522e251749c |
company/short_name | Short name | String | Brussels Airlines |
company/long_name | Long name | String | Brussels Airlines |
company/iata | IATA Code | String | SN |
company/icao | ICAO Code | String | BEL |
company/need_doc | Need doc | Bool |
segments/operating_company |
| Object |
operating_company/id | Operating company ID | String | 5522e251749c |
operating_company/short_name | Short name | String | Brussels Airlines |
operating_company/long_name | Long name | String | Brussels Airlines |
operating_company/iata | IATA Code | String | SN |
operating_company/icao | ICAO Code | String | BEL |
operating_company/need_doc | Need doc | Bool |
segments/transport_number | Transport number | String | 3738 |
segments/class_of_service | Class of service | String | T |
segments/fare_basis_code | Fare basis code or fare identifier in the connector | String | T03LGTU3 |
segments/family_name | Family name of the fare. | String | Samples:
segments/cabin |
| Object |
cabin/id | Cabin ID | String | Y |
cabin/short_name | Short name | String | Snaeconomylight1 |
cabin/long_name | Long name | String | Economy |
segments/equipment |
| String | 73H |
segments/status | Segments status | String | HK |
segments/seats | Number of seats available in segment | Integer | 9 |
segments/baggage |
| Object |
baggage/quantity | Baggage quantity | Integer | 0 |
baggage/unit | Baggage unit | String | Units |
segments/technical_stops | Aircraft technical stop | Array[Object] |
technical_stops/location | Information on the location of the technical stop | Object |
location/id | Location ID | String | 52e6e451c480 |
location/short_name | Location short name | String | PISTARINI |
location/long_name | Location long name | String | PISTARINI |
location/type | Location type | String | Airport |
location/iata | IATA airport | String | EZE |
location/latitude | Latitude | Float | -34.5875 |
location/longitude | Longitude | Float | -58.6725 |
location/time_zone | Time zone | String | America\/Argentina\/Buenos_Aires |
location/country | Country code | String | AR |
location/country_name | Country name | String | ARGENTINA |
location/city_name | City name | String | BUENOS AIRES |
location/iata_city | IATA city | String | BUE |
location/localizacion | Localizacion | String | RES |
technical_stops/departure_date_time | Departure date time | Datetime | 2023-02-02T09:05:00 |
technical_stops/arrival_date_time | Arrival date time | Datetime | 023-02-02T07:25:00 |
technical_stops/duration | Technical stop duration in seconds | Integer | 6000 |
segments/fare_type | Fare type | String | PRIVATE |
segments/line_number |
| String | 3 |
services_groups/context | Context | Integer | 1 |
services_groups/faretype | Fare type. [PUBLIC, PRIVATE] | String | PRIVATE |
travel/price |
| Object |
price/currency | Currency in which trip prices are displayed | String | EUR |
price/base | Base price of the trip | Double | 27 |
price/total_taxes | Total sum of fees | Double | 130.02 |
price/total_external_fees | Total sum of supplier fees | Double | 0 |
price/fee | Administration fees | Double | 13 |
price/commission_percentage | Commission applied (percentage) | Double | 0 |
price/commission_amount | Commission applied in amount (not percentage) | Double | 0 |
price/amount | Total price of the trip without fees: $base + $totalTaxes + $externalFees | Double | 157.02 |
price/total | Total price of the trip: $base + $totalTaxes + $externalFees + $fee + $globalFee | Double | 170.02 |
price/fares | Fees associated with the price | Array[Object] |
fares/source_i_d | Identifier of the rate in the provider | String | PoIP81E00E32-F4D8-403A-A939-1-1 |
fares/type | Fare type | String | RU |
fares/tags |
| Array[Object] |
tags/source_i_d | Source ID | String | RU |
fares/context | Fare Context | Integer | 0 |
fares/passenger_type | Type of passenger associated with the fare | String | |
fares/passenger_refs | Passenger references | Array[String] | T1 |
fares/quantity | Number of fees of this type in the final price | Integer | 1 |
fares/currency | Currency in which the fare prices are displayed | String | EUR |
fares/base | Tariff base unit price | Double | 27 |
fares/total_taxes | Total sum of fare fees | Double | 130.01999999999998 |
fares/taxes |
| Array[Object] |
taxes/tax_code | Fee identifier code | String | YQ |
taxes/amount | Fee amount | Double | 13 |
fares/total_external_fees | Total sum of external provider fees | Double | 0 |
fares/fee | Additional supplement to the rate | Double | 13 |
fares/emission_fee | Emission fee | Double | 2 |
fares/markup | Markup applied on the rate | Double | 0 |
fares/opaque | Base price of the overshadowed rate => $base + $markup | Double | 27 |
fares/amount | Total price of the rate without fees: $base + $totalTaxes + $totalExternalFees | Double | 157.01999999999998 |
fares/total | Total price of the fare: $base + $totalTaxes + $totalExternalFees + $fee | Double | 170.01999999999998 |
fares/validating_company |
| Object |
validating_company/id | Location ID | String | 5522e251749c |
validating_company/short_name | Short name | String | Brussels Airlines |
validating_company/long_name | Long name | String | Brussels Airlines |
validating_company/iata | IATA code | String | SN |
validating_company/icao | ICAO code | String | BEL |
validating_company/need_doc | Need doc | Bool |
fares/last_ticket_date | Last date of issue | Date-time | 2022-10-14T10:00:00 |
fares/last_modified_date | Last modified date | Date-time | 2022-10-18T21:59:00 |
fares/last_date | LD of the mask | Date-time | 2022-10-13T23:59:00 |
fares/timezone | Time zone | String | UTC |
fares/public | Identifies if a rate is public | Bool |
fares/fuel_tax | Fuel tax | Double | 0 |
fares/other_taxes | Other taxes | Double | 18.38 |
fares/family | Fare family | String | LITE |
fares/fare_data_qualifier | Fare Data Qualife | String | F |
fares/refundable | Is refundable | Bool |
price/payment_supplements | List of charges to pay by card | Array |
payment_supplements/short_name | Payment supplements Short name | String | Visa |
payment_supplements/type | Payment supplements Type | String | VI |
payment_supplements/currency | Currency | String | EUR |
payment_supplements/fee | Administration fees | Double | 0 |
payment_supplements/price | Price | Double | 0 |
payment_supplements/total | Total | Double | 0 |
payment_supplements/include | Is include | Bool |
payment_supplements/category | Payment supplements category | String | CREDITCARD |
price/fuel_tax | Fuel rate |
| 0 |
price/other_taxes | Sum of all rates except fuel | Double | 0 |
price/markup | Markup applied on the rate | Double | 0 |
price/opaque | Base price of the overshadowed rate => $base + $markup | Double | 27 |
price/mandatory | Is mandatory | Bool |
price/refundable | Identifies whether or not a fare is refundable | Bool |
price/fare_type | Fare type | String | PRIVATE |
price/valid | Is valid | Bool |
price/fee_upgrade | Fee upgrade | Float | 0 |
price/fee_changes | Fee changes | Float | 2 |
price/fee_refund | Fee refund | Float | 50 |
price/total_emission_fee | Agregate of Emission Fee and Ancillaries fee | Float | 0 |
travel/provider |
provider/id | Connector ID | String | LH |
provider/short_name | Short name | String | Lufthansa |
provider/long_name | Long name | String | Lufthansa NDC |
provider/type | Connector type | String | TRANSPORT |
provider/subtype | Connector sub type | String | FLIGHT |
provider/active | Is provider Active or not | Bool |
provider/default_priority | Default sort index | Integer | 5 |
travel/supplements |
supplements/short_name | Short name | String | 1 CABIN BAGS UP TO 8KG |
supplements/long_name | Long name | String | 1 CABIN BAGS UP TO 8KG |
supplements/currency | Currency | Double | EUR |
supplements/fee | Supplement fee | Double | 0 |
supplements/total | Supplement total price | Double | 0 |
supplements/included | Is supplement included | Bool |
supplements/category | Supplement category | String | 1 CABIN BAGS UP TO 8KG |
supplements/indicator | Indicates if the service is included, offered (for a fee), or not offered | String | INC |
supplements/pax_references | Pax references | Array[String] | T1 |
supplements/seg_references | Segment references | Array[String] |
travel/multi_fare | Indicates if there is a possibility of multi-tariff or not | Bool |
travel/notes | Client and Agency Notes | Array[Object] |
notes/short_name | Short name | String | Malaga Airport, ES (AGP) - Brussels Airport, BE (BRU) Change - CHD (BEFORE DEPARTURE) |
notes/description | Description | String | MAX 70 EUR\nMIN 70 EUR |
notes/type | Notes types | String | PROVIDER |
notes/category | Category | String | BEFORE DEPARTURE |
travel/payment_in_booking |
| Bool |
travel/need_card_payment_in_booking | Indicate if it is necessary to pay by card at the time of booking. | Bool |
travel/using_special_office | Using special office | Bool |
travel/parameters_booking |
| Array[Object] |
parameters_booking/context | Parameters Booking Context | String | pax |
parameters_booking/type | Parameters Booking Type | String | passenger |
parameters_booking/mandatory | Is mandatory | Bool |
parameters_booking/fields |
| Array[Object] |
fields/name | Parameter name | String | gender |
fields/mandatory | Is mandatory | Bool |
fields/editable | Is editable | Bool |
fields/pax_refs | Passenger references | Array[String] | CHD |
parameters_booking/info |
| Object |
info/range |
| Object |
range/INF | Range age INF | Array[Integer] |
range/CHD | Range age CHD | Array[Integer] |
range/YTH | Range age YTH | Array[Integer] |
range/ADT | Range age ADT | Array[Integer] |
range/YCD | Range age YCD | Array[Integer] |
range/UMN | Range age UMN | Array[Integer] |
travel/timezone |
| String | Europe/Madrid |
travel/solution_i_d | Solution ID | String | Jo6347c4d747d260000 |
travel/resident | Is resident | Bool |
travel/large_family | Is large family | Bool |
travel/large_family_discount_type | Resident type | String | F2 |
travel/last_ticket_date | Last date of issue | Date-time | 2022-10-14T10:00:00 |
travel/last_ticket_date_data |
| Object |
last_ticket_date_data/title | Title | Sting | Emitir ma\u00f1ana |
last_ticket_date_data/tag | Tag | String | TL MA\u00d1ANA |
last_ticket_date_data/locale | Locale | String | es |
travel/last_date | Last date | Date-time | 2022-10-13T23:59:00 |
travel/need_doc_apis | Need doc apis | Bool |
travel/need_ruc | Need ruc | Bool |
travel/need_ctcl |
| Object |
need_ctcl/show | Is show | Bool |
need_ctcl/require | Is require | Bool |
travel/accept_national_document | Indicates if even needing SSR DOCS, it is allowed to send a national identity document instead of a passport | Bool |
travel/need_address | Indicate if it is necessary to send the address to close the reservation | Bool |
travel/emit_on_booking_detail |
| Object |
emit_on_booking_detail/emit_on_booking | Emit on booking | Bool |
emit_on_booking_detail/emit_on_ancillary_add | Emit on ancillary add | Bool |
travel/extra_services |
| Array |
travel/multi_family | Is multy family | Bool |
travel/allow_multi_family | Indicates if it is allowed to launch the multi-family request on the current offer | Bool |
travel/owner | Transport owner, needed for ndc | String | SNA |
travel/validating_company | Validating company | String | BA |
travel/catalogue | Flag to indicate if catalogue is available | Bool |
travel/allow_seat_selection_pre | Determines if this instance is allowed to list baggage offers | Bool |
travel/allow_baggage_pre | Determines if this instance is allowed to list baggage offers | Bool |
travel/seats | Seats | Bool |
travel/is_umnr | Is umnr | Bool |
travel/need_expedient_validation | Need expedient validation | Bool |
travel/currency_requested_from_user |
| String | EUR |
lines/provider |
| Object |
provider/id | Connector ID | String | LH |
provider/short_name | Short name | String | Lufthansa |
provider/long_name | Long name | String | Lufthansa NDC |
provider/type | Connector type | String | TRANSPORT |
provider/subtype | Connector sub type | String | FLIGHT |
provider/active | Is provider active or not | Bool |
provider/default_priority | Default sort index | Integer | 5 |
lines/tickets | List of tickets | Array[Object] |
tickets/short_name | Short name | String | 1PC - EXTRA PIECE |
tickets/long_name | Long name | String | 1PC - EXTRA PIECE |
tickets/type | Tickets type | String | PAX |
tickets/number | Ticket Number |
| 075-2102906592 |
tickets/status | Ticket status - CNFD: Confirmed (issued) - VOID: Voided - RFND: Refunded - NPRC: No process | String |
tickets/outside_emission | Flag to indicate if the ticket has been issued externally. At the moment, available for Iberia NDC. | Bool |
tickets/price |
| Object |
price/currency | Currency in which trip prices are displayed | String | EUR |
price/base | Base price of the trip | Double | 14.709999999999997 |
price/total_taxes | Total sum of fees | Double | 7.62 |
price/taxes |
| Array[Object] |
taxes/tax_code | Fee identifier code | String | JD |
taxes/amount | Fee amount | Double | 7.62 |
taxes/name | Taxes name | String | Spanish Airport Tax |
price/fee | Administration fees | Double | 3 |
price/emission_fee | Administration fees | Double | 0 |
price/amount | Total price of the trip without fees: $base + $totalTaxes + $externalFees | Double | 22.33 |
price/total | Total price of the trip: $base + $totalTaxes + $externalFees + $fee + $globalFee | Double | 25.33 |
price/mandatory | Is mandatory | Bool |
price/refundable | Is refundable | Bool |
price/fare_type | Fare type | String | PUBLIC |
price/valid | Is valid | Bool |
price/total_emission_fee | Agregate of Emission Fee and Ancillaries fee | Double | 0 |
tickets/passenger_ref | Passenger reference | String | T1 |
tickets/services_refs | Services referred to in the rate | Array[String] | IB391320221120 |
tickets/category | Ticket category | String | BAG |
tickets/issued | BookingLine issued date | Date-time | 2022-10-18T11:28:17 |
tickets/all_coupons_status | Coupon status | Array[String] | OPEN_FOR_USE |
tickets/author | Author | Integer | 1365 |
tickets/agency_author | Agency author | Integer | 1295 |
tickets/refund_price | Refund price | Float | 0 |
tickets/pending_to_manage | Pending to manage | Bool |
lines/seats |
| Array[Object] |
seats/number | Seat number | String | 17D |
seats/passenger_ref | Passenger to whom the ticket belongs | String | 2 |
seats/service_ref | Service to which the rate refers | String | 1 |
seats/selected | Seats selected | Bool |
seats/included | Seats included | Bool |
lines/notes |
| Array[Object] |
notes/id | ID | String | 22 |
notes/description | Notes description | String | BY:NUEVO OPERADOR LLEEGO |
notes/source_i_d | Source ID | String | 8 |
notes/type | Notes type | String | RM |
notes/extensions |
| Object |
extensions/needs_clear | Is need clear | Bool |
lines/penalties |
| Array |
penalties/short_name | Short name | String | Malaga Airport, ES (AGP) - Brussels Airport, BE (BRU) Change - CHD (BEFORE DEPARTURE) |
penalties/type | Penalties type | String | BEFORE DEPARTURE |
penalties/from_date | From date | Date-time | 2022-10-13T10:00:48 |
penalties/to_date | To date | Date-time | 2022-11-15T15:30:00 |
penalties/message | Message | String | MAX 70 EUR\nMIN 70 EUR |
lines/agency |
| Object |
agency/id | Agency ID | String | 1295 |
agency/short_name | Short name | String | Bidane Travel |
agency/long_name | Long name | String | Bidane Travel |
agency/source_i_d | Source ID | String | - |
agency/extensions |
| Object |
extensions/cif | Agency Cif | String | 1234567890 |
extensions/iata | Agency IATA | String | 888888 |
extensions/timeZone | Time zone | String | Europe/Madrid |
extensions/isConsolidatorIata | Is Consolidator Iata | Bool |
extensions/isConsolidatorRp | Is Consolidator Rp | Bool |
agency/warnings |
| Array[Object] |
warnings/description | Description warnings | String | Base amount guaranteed until 2022-10-13 23:59:59 |
lines/info_is_complete | Indicates if all documentation information is complete | Bool |
lines/is_transferred | Flag that indicates if the reservation has been transferred with the functionality of bringing reservation | Bool |
lines/is_accesible | To check if I have SECURED PNR and the reservation is accessible or not | Bool |
lines/is_disney | Disney Reserve | Bool |
lines/allow_booking_changes | Indicates if this booking is changeable and upgradeable | Bool |
lines/avail_seat_selection | Indicates if this booking has seat availability selection | Bool |
lines/booking_options |
| Object |
booking_options/allow_pax_name | Allow pax name | Bool |
booking_options/allow_pax_docs | Allow pax docs | Bool |
booking_options/allow_baggage_post | Allow baggage post | Bool |
booking_options/allow_seat_selection | Allow seat selection | Bool |
booking_options/allow_booking_changes | Allow booking changes | Bool |
booking_options/allow_booking_upgrades | Allow booking upgrades | Bool |
booking_options/allow_partial_booking_changes | Allow partial booking changes | Bool |
booking_options/allow_booking_refund | Allow booking refund | Bool |
booking_options/allow_emergy_contact_modify | Allow emergy contact modify | Bool |
lines/avail_cryptic | Determine if this BL can use the cryptic request | Bool |
lines/avail_repolicy | Determine if this BL can use the repolicy request | Bool |
lines/avail_repricing | Determine if this BL can use the repricing request | Bool |
lines/avail_comment_pnr | Determine if this BL can use comment PNR | Bool |
lines/avail_action_comment_pnr | Determine if this BL can use Action comment PNR | Bool |
lines/need_inteligence_status | Indicates if is necessary to pass through setIntelligenceStatus method | Bool |
lines/pricing_creation_date | Indicates if the PNR have to reprice with the last creation date | Bool |
lines/is_susceptible_covid19 | Checks if it is susceptible to be anulable for covid19 | Bool |
lines/is_requested_covid19 | Checks if it is requested to be anulable for covid19 | Bool |
lines/count_summary |
| Object |
count_summary/segments | Segments | Integer | 4 |
count_summary/travellers | Travellers | Integer | 1 |
booking/consolidator | Consolidator index | Integer | 10 |
booking/agency | Agency index | Integer | 1285 |
booking/agent | Agent index | Integer | 1365 |
booking/is_surface | The booking is for a surface request or not | Bool |
booking/email | Booking contact email | String | |
booking/contact | Booking contact name | String | Pepe Lleego Test |
payment_redirect_type | Payment Redirect type: Ex. GET or POST | String |
lines/payments | List of payments used on the Booking LIne | Array[Object] |
payments/type | Type of payment.
| Integer | 1PC - EXTRA PIECE |
payment/cash | If payment cash true | Bool |
payment/card | Card info | Object |
card/category | Debit or credit card. ("CREDITCARD | DEBITCARD") | String |
card/card_type | Credit card type code Please, check the card types returned by pricing method. If no types are returned, you can user ["VI" | "CA" | "AX" | "DC"] | String | MasterCard |
card/holder | Credit card holder complete name | String | NOMBRETEST MORENO SANCHEZ |
card/number | Credit card number | String | 5486207058370274 |
card/expire_month | Credit card month as string of 2 digits | String | 10 |
card/expire_year | Credit card year as string of 4 digits | String | 2027 |
card/cvv | Credit card security code | String | 309 |
card/reference | Card reference. For virtual cards, external reference given from the card supplier. | String | 222YKSVI |