Booking Voucher

Booking Voucher

Review Your Booking

Here you can manage every aspect of your booking. From the status and passenger details to additional services, you'll find everything you need to manage and modify the trip.


How is the booking voucher organized?

It is generally structured as follows:

Booking Information
View the basic details, including the locator, current status, and issue date.

Verify and edit the passenger information as needed.

Train Data and Price Breakdown
Find the selected routes and review the total booking cost.

Add or review extra services to customize the travel experience for your passengers.

READ ME! Actions on the Booking

Manage changes, refunds, and other available actions for your booking.


You can access the booking voucher from the list of bookings whenever you need it.


Booking Information

At the top, you will find the locator and other basic information, such as the current status of the booking and the issue date.

This summary is ideal for a quick consultation of your booking.



The names of the entered passengers are displayed in this section. Make sure they are correct.

You can view their ticket number along with personal details.




If changes are needed and editing is possible, click the edit button (✏️) on the right.


Passenger Editing: Remember that the ability to edit depends on the provider's policies.

Train Data and Price Breakdown

Review the details of the confirmed flights, including the combination of routes and the total cost. This section will help you verify that the initial choice was made correctly or inform your client about the booking.


Check the additional services issued for the booking, such as extra baggage or special assistance. You also have the option to add other services according to the specific needs of the passenger.

Actions on the Booking

Once your booking is issued, you can make modifications such as changes or refunds.

Check the lower bar to know the available actions and follow the indicated steps to manage the actions you need.


For example, perform a refund…


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