Booking Request | ||||
query | ||||
query/token | Request Token | String | LZ63453a81cc00e | No |
query/solutions | Solutions to book | Array[Object] | Yes | |
solutions/journeys | Array of Journeys ids | Array[String] |
| Yes |
solutions/id | Solution identifier | String | VZ63453a86505da0022 | Yes |
query/travellers | Array[Object] | Yes | ||
travellers/type | Traveller type [ADT, CHD, INF, YCD, YTH] | String | ADT | Yes |
travellers/title | Traveller title [Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss] | String | Mr | Yes |
travellers/name | Traveller Name | String | Pepe | Yes |
travellers/documents | Array[Object] | |||
documents/type | Document Type | Enum |
| Yes |
documents/number | Document Number | String | BWE840580S | Yes |
documents/nationality | Document nationality | String | ES | Yes |
documents/issue_date | Document issue date | Date | 2021-11-11 | Yes |
documents/expiry_date | Document expiration date | DateTime | 2025-11-11 | Yes |
documents/country | Document emission country | String | ES | Yes |
travellers/responsibles | Array[Object] | No | ||
responsibles/locations | IATA or ID location for pick-up or drop-off | LHR | No | |
responsibles/name | Contact's full name | String | Pepa | No |
responsibles/address | Contact's address | String | c/ de la llegada | No |
responsibles/phones | Contact's phone | String | 711223344 | No |
responsibles/origin_destination_ref | OriginDestination references for person in charge | Integer | 0 | No |
travellers/surnames | Surnames | Array[String] | Lleego Adulto | Yes |
travellers/birth_date | Birth date | DateTime | 1989-12-12 | No |
travellers/contact | Object | |||
contact/type | Contact data type, Passenger or Emergency | String | Emergency | No |
contact/name | Contact name (Emergency) | String | Pepe | No |
contact/surnames | Contact surname (Emergency) | String | Test Lleego | No |
contact/phones | Array[Object] | |||
phones/country_pref | Country prefix | String | 34 | No |
phones/number | Phone number without prefix | String | 711287654 | No |
contact/country | Contact country (mandatory for low cost, check the flag 'need_address' in PricingRS) | String | VA | No |
query/payment | Object | |||
payment/type | Type of payment.
| Integer |
| No |
payment/cash | If payment cash true | Bool |
| No |
payment/card | Object | |||
card/form | Dynamic, Internal form (for avoris) | String | Null | No |
card/category | Debit or credit card. ("CREDITCARD | DEBITCARD") | String |
| No |
card/card_type | Credit card type code Please, check the card types returned by pricing method. If no types are returned, you can user ["VI" | "CA" | "AX" | "DC"] | String | MasterCard | No |
card/holder | Credit card holder complete name | String | NOMBRETEST MORENO SANCHEZ | No |
card/number | Credit card number | String | 5486207058370274 | No |
card/expire_month | Credit card month as string of 2 digits | String | 10 | No |
card/expire_year | Credit card year as string of 4 digits | String | 2026 | No |
card/cvv | Credit card security code | String | 309 | No |
query/voucher_url | URL for external verification payment | String | No | |
query/holder | Yes | |||
holder/name | Traveller Name | String | Miguel | Yes |
holder/surnames | Traveller surnames | Array[String] | Perezuno | Yes |
holder/contact | Object | Yes | ||
contact/mails | List of contact mails | Array[String] | Yes | |
contact/phones | List of contact phones | Array[Object] | Yes | |
phones/country_pref | Country prefix | String | 34 | Yes |
phones/number | Phone number without prefix | String | 722331122 | Yes |
contact/address | Contact address (mandatory for low cost, check the flag 'need_address' in PricingRS) | String | c/ de la alegria | Yes |
contact/city | Contact city (mandatory for low cost, check the flag 'need_address' in PricingRS) | String | Antequera | Yes |
contact/postal_code | Contact postalCode (mandatory for low cost, check the flag 'need_address' in PricingRS) | String | 29200 | Yes |
contact/country | Contact country (mandatory for low cost, check the flag 'need_address' in PricingRS) | String | ES | Yes |
query/ancillaries | Array[Object] | No | ||
ancillaries/pax_references | Passenger references for supplement | Array[String] | 0 | No |
ancillaries/id | ID | String | 6c634561f833f0d-0LttLxyo | No |
ancillaries/seg_references | Segment references for supplement | Array[String] | VY306920221114 | No |
query/seats | No | |||
seats/row | Seat row | Integer | 17 | No |
seats/column | Seat column | String | D | No |
seats/segment | Seat segment | String | 1 | No |
seats/pax | Seat pax | String | 0 | No |
query/fees | Array[Object] | No | ||
fees/pax_type | Passenger Type Code | ADT | No | |
fees/amount_markup | Amount markup | Double | 0 | No |
fees/amount_emission_fee | Amount emission | Double | 0 | No |
fees/amount | Passenger Booking Fee amount | Double | 9 | No |
query/special_services | Request for special needs. (Blind, Service Animal, Wheelchair...) [ONLY NDC] | Array[Object] | No | |
special_services/pax_reference | Passenger Reference to apply | String | T1 | No |
special_services/category | SSR category code | String | DEAF | No |
query/large_family_discount | No | |||
large_family_discount/location | Location code to apply the large family discount | String |
| No |
large_family_discount/document | Docunent number for large family discount | String | 380380 | No |
large_family_discount/type | F1 (General Discount - 3 children) | F2 (Special Discount - More than 3 children) | String |
| No |
query/dynamic_parameters | Specific data requested by provider to finish booking | Array[Object] | ||
dynamic_parameters/key | Key | String | No | |
dynamic_parameters/value | Value | String | No | |
query/target | Set request target: test|production | Enum |
| No |
query/expedient_number | Expedient number | String | No | |
query/expedient | Expedient | String | 123 | No |
query/quote_number | Quote number | String | 321 | No |
query/crm | Crm id | String | 422112725 | No |
query/confirm | Flag to confirm or not confirm (emit) in booking transaction. Only available for Renfe bookings. | Bool |
| No |
query/cancel_if_not_docs | Flag to cancel or not when external docs for the booking are not gotten | Bool |
| No |
query/corportate_code | Currently, only available for Renfe bookings, when ticket on pdf format are not achieved. | Bool |
| No |
query/delegation | Corporate code. Necesita activación por parte de LLeego | Object | ||
delegation/id | ID | Integer | x | No |
delegation/code_account | Code_account | String | x | No |
query/notes | Add remarks in booking | Array[Object] | No | |
notes/description | Message to add as remark | String | AVEDES-R | Yes |
notes/type | Remark type (RM|RC), by default RM | String |
| No |
notes/mode | Remark mode type '*' or PRIORITY, when PRIORITY is received, base is mandatory and this value will be set instance of the configuration one. | String |
| No |
notes/base | Remark name or structure, only use when mode PRIORITY is received | String | AVEDES | No |
Time Limit (contacta con tu key account para el uso de estas opciones) Estas opciones permiten al momento de crear la reserva, indicar el tiempo límite de emisión deseado por parte del cliente. Solo se aplicará si el tiempo límite deseado es más restrictivo que el ofrecido por el proveedor. Dicho de otra manera, si el proveedor informa de un Tiempo Límite más restrictivo, se respetará ese. | ||||
query/time_limit | Fecha en formato YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS Ejemplo: 2024-01-01 23:30:00 | DateTime | No | |
query/time_limit_type | Solo aplicable a Amadeus. | String | TL|XL | No |